Monday, December 10, 2012

Secret Keeper

Do you like secrets? Yes? So do I. I have a secret. Do you want me to tell you what it is? Guess what? No way, Jose! It's not really anything very interesting, and is not about me or Paul (directly, anyway), so don't get all excited.

I think the best part of secrets is trying really hard not to tell them. I'll be honest, I have been known to spill the beans once or twice in my life, but a good secret that someone will benefit from later is totally worth keeping.

You might as well not bother yourself trying to guess because I'm not a good liar and really don't want to have to do that to you. It's best you just come up with your own secret and taunt another person with it. That way you'll have some fun as well. See? It's fun having secrets!

I do have one secret that I'll spill: I spend at least an hour in the bathroom every morning, getting ready for the day. Paul thinks it's my favourite room. I tend not to disagree with him...

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