Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: My Bloggerific Year

The year is finally coming to a close, with 2013 mere hours from this moment. Although we realize there is no actual physical change from one year to the next, it's always a good time to make changes and start new projects. I had two goals in mind on January 1st, 2012 and, even though I tried really hard at the second one, I just couldn't stick to memorizing more than 74 digits of pi. 100 would have been great, but at least I came within a quarter of that. 75% is still a good grade!

I did make it a full year blogging my way through my daily life. To sum up the last 366 days (it was a leap year if you didn't realize!), here are some statistics from my previous posts:

13 - the number of posts in which Wikipedia is mentioned
14 - the number of posts in which Google is mentioned
34, 14, 8, 34, 5 - consecutively, the number of posts in which the words stress, frustrated, anxious, tired, and angry are used
56 - the number of posts in which the word mom is used
30 - the approximate number of movies I watched, or at least blogged about watching
4 - the most days I went without blogging, resulting in quite the catch-up when I got back to it!
1 - the number of blogs I inadvertently forgot to write. Actually, I just discovered this so quickly put something in for October 8th to fill in that gap... oops!

Those are the facts, but I'm sure you're curious if I learned anything. I definitely learned that I am able to stick to something, through thick and thin, if I'm dedicated enough to it. This not only goes for this blog but also for my experiences in my career. I feel that I've accomplished some goals, weathered some really stressful times, but came out with a positive outlook on what's to come. I don't know what the future holds but I'll keep on keeping on, just like I have been for the last year. I may even blog about it!

As far as my future in blogging goes, I do plan to continue occasionally. I will be creating a new one for that as "A Pi a Day" was made especially for this year. I realize that certain people have enjoyed reading about what I'm up to and appreciate that I've been open with my thoughts and feelings. I have also come to enjoy (more times than not) writing about my life, whether it's happy or sad, good or bad. It has been a great outlet for me, not only creatively but also on a psychological level.

I have high expectations for 2013 and lots of plans. I'm looking on the bright side and putting my faith and hope in tomorrow. Thank you, loyal readers, for keeping up with my blog! I will be sure to post a link to my new one once it's created. I wish you and yours the best in the new year!

1 comment:

  1. Your greatest fan, MomJan 1, 2013, 1:05:00 PM

    It was a great pleasure for me to be part of your year. (Mom @ 56) And it was a also a pleasure to have been able to share your life through your thoughts. I enjoyed many laughs and shed several tears. I shook my head and raised you in prayers.
    God bless you in your endeavors in 2013 and I look forward to your new blog, whatever that may be.


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