Thursday, December 13, 2012

Confusing Vehicle Speed Discovery

This is going to sound really stupid but just the other day, I realized something quite earth-shattering.  I discovered that driving at slower speeds can often get you to your destination just as quick if not faster than if you drove at a higher speed. Just writing this I sound like such a dolt, but I don't care. It was an interesting find and I'm okay writing about it.

I discovered this fact when driving to the north-end Superstore from downtown. There's a major road to take there that's, for the most part, four lanes wide. It had just snowed the day before, and was still snowing a bit. The conditions weren't perfect so everyone was going a lot slower. I found the drive to the store quite pleasant and stress-free, even considering the distance I had to go and the lights that could possibly turn red on the way. I had actually been on the same road the day before and experienced something quite different; it look much longer!

Regina does NOT have their lights timed properly in most areas of the city, so I'm constantly frustrated about this. I do think, however, if you drive at a speed that's less than the limit of 50 km/hour, you can still end up getting to your destination quite quickly. In my head this is so confusing, as it thinks I should be able to drive 50 or 55 and get there faster. I simply haven't experienced this lately on many different roads.

My head is hurting just thinking about this, but I'm still serious. I'm sure other people can attest to my discovery and I'd love to hear their theories. Now, this isn't to say that I'll slow down to 40 everyday, but I will slow down on certain roadways that I know are bad for the lights and traffic. And I'll try and figure out how this even makes sense...

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