Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Current Weight Loss Plan

I was the biggest KOPS loser tonight! Right on! Actually, I did much better than expected with a 2 1/2 lb loss this week. I figure it's because I told the naughty little devil that normally hangs out on my shoulder to take a hike and find a new job tormenting a willpower-less fool.

In four months, almost to the day, it will be my 30th birthday. For myself, I'd like to lose ten pounds by then. It's absolutely attainable, and something I've wanted to do since the beginning of my "journey". I just haven't had quite enough motivation or been choosing the right foods to lower my weight further. The major change I've made recently is eating most of my food before suppertime. It completely makes sense to eat a large breakfast and lunch and then eat less at dinner, but I've been doing it the "wrong way" for so many years that it was hard to grasp a change.

This is my typical daily food intake, from Monday to Friday:

  • Breakfast: fried egg whites (approx 1/4 - 1/3 cup, and I only use cooking spray to grease the pan), either a piece of my new favourite toast or two pieces of Weight Watchers Multigrain with 60% Less Becel, a cup of skim milk, an applesauce cup, and a serving of Greek yogourt.
  • Morning snack: small banana or half of a large one
  • Lunch: homemade vegetarian chili and broccoli coleslaw (the dressing is oil & vinegar-based) or a hearty soup (with beans or lentils) and some marinated vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cherry tomatoes). Or I mix and match.
  • Afternoon snack: the other half of my banana or a different piece of fruit like a pear or mandarin orange or some raspberries
  • Dinner: a Smart Ones meal (I like the quesadillas  with a salad, or a small piece of sauteed salmon with a salad or vegetables, or a piece of toast and eggs, or a hearty bowl of soup and vegetables. 

Then I don't eat anything else before bed. I also drink lots of water (at least 8-10 glasses per day) which includes tea in the morning and often tea in the evening. I also started taking the stairs up and down at work and think it's helping out a lot.

So, that's what I do and it seems to be working for me. I try to eat heartily and healthfully and indulge when I absolutely need to. The best thing for me to stay motivated is to stay away from temptations that just make me want more, like donuts or pizza or other white flour-based foods. I'm still fully enjoying what I eat, I just make it so I don't want more by eating the right things. I also have to change things up often because I do get bored. The biggest misconception for others about me is that they think I'm not eating enough. If they knew that I eat five times a day they'd not think that, but it's hard when all they see is me eating basically the same lunch every day.

I say if it works, and it ain't broken, don't fix it. I definitely needed a change from my old routine, but I'm very happy with the results so far and look forward to continued losses. 2 1/2 lbs per month is all it will take to reach my 10 pound goal. I know I can do it.

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