Monday, December 17, 2012

Day One Unease

"Legal Day One" has come to a close. There's still lots of work to be done this week before we can go home to our families and enjoy Christmas, but at least we know the fate of the company.

My current state is one of confusion, frustration, and powerlessness mixed with strong feelings of the unknown. I don't know what my job will look like in a month, and it bothers me. No, I don't think I'll be out of a job, I'm just bothered that I don't know more about it. Sure, I like to be "in the know" as often as possible and find it difficult being out of the loop. I would be more okay with it all if I understood why I'm not having more of a part in the changes than I feel I should. It goes back to my blog on Saturday regarding a fear of being pigeon-holed into an area I'm not in love with. Today it just compounded even further.

I'm going to try and just live day to day for now, as I've done up until today. No one knows what the future has in store for us, so it's best to make every moment count. I just hope tomorrow is a very productive day and a step in the right direction.

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