Friday, December 28, 2012

The End is Near

As the end of the year nears, I look back on all that's happened. I've written about most of it, whether it's boring or not, in hopes that I could attain the goal I set on January first. I'll write more about my experiences next week but I'm starting to gather my thoughts already.

Today I almost had a bad customer service experience, yet again. I didn't let the individual get away with it either. It's just not okay for service to be taken lightly. I expect to be treated fairly and with respect. When I'm not it's extremely frustrating. All that I ask is that regardless of how much I spend at a particular establishment, I'm provided with what I want and or need.

On a better note, I received some excellent service outside of that one experience. Like I said yesterday, its those moments of greatness that leave me with a good feeling at the end of the day. I can go to bed happy! Yay!

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