Saturday, December 15, 2012

Integration Overtime

Working on a Saturday sure isn't what I envisioned for myself. But if you've kept in the loop at all about the company takeover that's going down officially on the 17th, it was necessary. I ate too much crap, and was exhausted by 3 pm from lack of sleep and my brain working too hard, but I was able to go home before dinner and got a lot accomplished.

Since October I've been involved with the redesign of a new time management system within our current computer software program. We've had it for a few years already but it's been "broken", to put it plainly. The last integration was complete junk and it's taken this long to get it re-done. I'm happy to help out with the testing, if it means having a good-working system. I also don't mind that it's helping me build my career and adding to my resume. What I'm worried about, however, is getting pigeon-holed into an area I don't love as much as another. I made it pretty clear to my manager that, although I don't mind helping out, I actually prefer doing more payroll-related items.

I'm just happy that we'll have a great new system to use and that the learning has really only just begun. I definitely do enjoy know what I'm doing so I can share my infinite knowledge with my co-workers and clients.

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