Sunday, December 30, 2012

Home for My 2nd Last Blog!

Ahhhhh home sweet home. Although I enjoyed my short trip to the bustling city of Winnipeg, I'm more than happy to be home today after a long drive. Luckily the weather held out for most of, except for about an hour today in Eastern Saskatchewan.

I guess this is my second last blog. The 365th this year. That's just crazy to think about, as I can still remember how hard it was in January and February to motivate myself to continue to blog. If you follow me, you will remember that I even took my netbook along to Mexico and, even though I was not entirely well while there, I still wrote about our adventures. Even after being really busy and having to write three or four blogs in a day, I've ensured that there's one for each day of 2012, and I feel very satisfied that I've been able to do that.

During my short visit with the Cowiesons, I took some pictures to share with my friends and family. The best spot to view them is on Facebook so here is the link: A Visit With Wee Woeden

(Mom, he really liked his new book but even more so, the piggy bank! So much he tried to eat it :) I'd say that's a good sign.)

So, one half day of work ahead and hopefully by then I'll have gathered my final thoughts of the year and type them out. Yes, I'll continue to blog but every day, I think not.

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