Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Party #1

Christmas Party #1, also known as "put some perogies straight on my butt" night, is over. It was for my company, and we had over 400 people attend. As with last year, I was on the committee that organized it and, all-in-all, it went pretty well.

Since Glencore will have officially taken over as of Monday, it was somewhat bittersweet. The COO (I think) addressed the crowd with a company message, on behalf of the entire executive. I have a feeling he will be one of the ones that isn't kept on once the new company comes on board, but that's most to be expected with a change of control. As far as who's leaving though, we actually do not have the names as of yet. Presumably Monday everything will come out and we'll get on the ball to complete the transaction, as par as payroll is concerned.

So back to the party, I have to say that those perogies were really much too tasty. So tasty that I'm still thinking about them. My only qualm for the entire evening is that the DJ played too many country songs. I understand they have to cater to a wide variety of people, but I just can't dance to it!

I may be on the committee for the Christmas Party again next year, but we'll see what the next half-year holds. You never know what will happen!

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