Thursday, December 27, 2012

Customer Service Positivity

There's something to be said for great customer service. I've probably written about this before, but it then must be a long time ago that I received any. I tend to brush off the bad experiences and move on with my life, because I hate to dwell on a negative moment in life. I'd much rather have a smile on my face after getting good service and share it with my friends and family.

We've all given bad service sometime in our lives. If you don't think you have, I would have to ask you to look deeply into your past and imagine that it could be possible. Even perma-happy people have downer days and forget themselves sometimes.

I really admire someone that can work off-hours (after what I would call "normal working hours") and still exude positivity through a telephone conversation. Taking phone calls from customers is a really tough job (I know!) so I really, REALLY appreciate those people that give me the service I need and want and leave me with a warm, fuzzy feeling afterwards.

There are times when I'm not so nice to people on the phone because I have a problem and no patience to deal with it. I've had people that didn't know how to work with me, and others that remained upbeat and turned it around. Those people deserve more money and respect. So, thank you customer service agents across the world, taking phone calls from people like me!

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