Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: My Bloggerific Year

The year is finally coming to a close, with 2013 mere hours from this moment. Although we realize there is no actual physical change from one year to the next, it's always a good time to make changes and start new projects. I had two goals in mind on January 1st, 2012 and, even though I tried really hard at the second one, I just couldn't stick to memorizing more than 74 digits of pi. 100 would have been great, but at least I came within a quarter of that. 75% is still a good grade!

I did make it a full year blogging my way through my daily life. To sum up the last 366 days (it was a leap year if you didn't realize!), here are some statistics from my previous posts:

13 - the number of posts in which Wikipedia is mentioned
14 - the number of posts in which Google is mentioned
34, 14, 8, 34, 5 - consecutively, the number of posts in which the words stress, frustrated, anxious, tired, and angry are used
56 - the number of posts in which the word mom is used
30 - the approximate number of movies I watched, or at least blogged about watching
4 - the most days I went without blogging, resulting in quite the catch-up when I got back to it!
1 - the number of blogs I inadvertently forgot to write. Actually, I just discovered this so quickly put something in for October 8th to fill in that gap... oops!

Those are the facts, but I'm sure you're curious if I learned anything. I definitely learned that I am able to stick to something, through thick and thin, if I'm dedicated enough to it. This not only goes for this blog but also for my experiences in my career. I feel that I've accomplished some goals, weathered some really stressful times, but came out with a positive outlook on what's to come. I don't know what the future holds but I'll keep on keeping on, just like I have been for the last year. I may even blog about it!

As far as my future in blogging goes, I do plan to continue occasionally. I will be creating a new one for that as "A Pi a Day" was made especially for this year. I realize that certain people have enjoyed reading about what I'm up to and appreciate that I've been open with my thoughts and feelings. I have also come to enjoy (more times than not) writing about my life, whether it's happy or sad, good or bad. It has been a great outlet for me, not only creatively but also on a psychological level.

I have high expectations for 2013 and lots of plans. I'm looking on the bright side and putting my faith and hope in tomorrow. Thank you, loyal readers, for keeping up with my blog! I will be sure to post a link to my new one once it's created. I wish you and yours the best in the new year!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Home for My 2nd Last Blog!

Ahhhhh home sweet home. Although I enjoyed my short trip to the bustling city of Winnipeg, I'm more than happy to be home today after a long drive. Luckily the weather held out for most of, except for about an hour today in Eastern Saskatchewan.

I guess this is my second last blog. The 365th this year. That's just crazy to think about, as I can still remember how hard it was in January and February to motivate myself to continue to blog. If you follow me, you will remember that I even took my netbook along to Mexico and, even though I was not entirely well while there, I still wrote about our adventures. Even after being really busy and having to write three or four blogs in a day, I've ensured that there's one for each day of 2012, and I feel very satisfied that I've been able to do that.

During my short visit with the Cowiesons, I took some pictures to share with my friends and family. The best spot to view them is on Facebook so here is the link: A Visit With Wee Woeden

(Mom, he really liked his new book but even more so, the piggy bank! So much he tried to eat it :) I'd say that's a good sign.)

So, one half day of work ahead and hopefully by then I'll have gathered my final thoughts of the year and type them out. Yes, I'll continue to blog but every day, I think not.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Un-birthday Party Surprise

I awoke this morning to, no, not the sound of a dog barking, or a cat meowing or attempting to get in a cuddle. No folks, I awoke to silence in my big, plush king sized bed at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites. Surprise! I decided to drive to Winnipeg by myself for a visit with my extended family and to attend Woeden's first birthday party. Unfortunately, I found out this morning that the little guy had come down with a cold and the party was postponed. I really wasn't sure what to do; I just knew that I didn't to make the long trip out here and not get to visit with my family.

Luckily, my cousin was happy to know that I was in this city and invited me over for a visit anyway. So after a little shopping and a lunch visit with my sister, we both headed over to the birthday boy's home for a little unbirthday party. Even though he was sick, I was happy to be able to visit with them and give him his birthday gifts.

For dinner I was even able to spend the time with the rest of that family over and nice meal and yet another visit. After all was said and done, at least I can say I got to see all my family here in Winnipeg that I really had wanted to see, and caught up with each of them.

Now it's my final night here and I'm hoping for a sound, solid sleep. I'm looking forward to going home to my animals. All four of them... Haha

Friday, December 28, 2012

The End is Near

As the end of the year nears, I look back on all that's happened. I've written about most of it, whether it's boring or not, in hopes that I could attain the goal I set on January first. I'll write more about my experiences next week but I'm starting to gather my thoughts already.

Today I almost had a bad customer service experience, yet again. I didn't let the individual get away with it either. It's just not okay for service to be taken lightly. I expect to be treated fairly and with respect. When I'm not it's extremely frustrating. All that I ask is that regardless of how much I spend at a particular establishment, I'm provided with what I want and or need.

On a better note, I received some excellent service outside of that one experience. Like I said yesterday, its those moments of greatness that leave me with a good feeling at the end of the day. I can go to bed happy! Yay!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Customer Service Positivity

There's something to be said for great customer service. I've probably written about this before, but it then must be a long time ago that I received any. I tend to brush off the bad experiences and move on with my life, because I hate to dwell on a negative moment in life. I'd much rather have a smile on my face after getting good service and share it with my friends and family.

We've all given bad service sometime in our lives. If you don't think you have, I would have to ask you to look deeply into your past and imagine that it could be possible. Even perma-happy people have downer days and forget themselves sometimes.

I really admire someone that can work off-hours (after what I would call "normal working hours") and still exude positivity through a telephone conversation. Taking phone calls from customers is a really tough job (I know!) so I really, REALLY appreciate those people that give me the service I need and want and leave me with a warm, fuzzy feeling afterwards.

There are times when I'm not so nice to people on the phone because I have a problem and no patience to deal with it. I've had people that didn't know how to work with me, and others that remained upbeat and turned it around. Those people deserve more money and respect. So, thank you customer service agents across the world, taking phone calls from people like me!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Boxing Day

You know what's really great? The fact that my cute, super awesome new Google Nexus 7 tablet is voice enabled and allows me to blog simply by speaking. Sure, it makes the occasional mistake, however I still think it's really cool.

Boxing Day was fun. I slept in, ate, laid on the couch, had a nap, ate some more, and watched a movie. It really doesn't get much better than that does it? In the past, Paul and I have braved the retail outlets in search of Boxing Day deals. Since the temperature dropped so low these last few days, and I'm still getting over a cold, we decided just to hang out at home and save our money.

I'm so happy I have a few more days off and another weekend ahead before I have to go back to work. I really needed this time off, and clearly my body agreed. I especially like not having to get up really early or go to bed early so that I can get up early. Paul is going into work tomorrow and Friday but because he works for himself and doesn't get any paid vacation days, it's okay with me. I'm pretty sure Casey and the cats have also enjoyed us staying at home with them.

Tomorrow will be a clean-up-the-house day and I'll buy some groceries to restock the fridge. I can't imagine I'll sleep in quite as late, but you never know. Christmas may be over but at least we can say that we really enjoyed ourselves and were able to relax and rejuvenate.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Christmas Day

I hope you and yours are enjoying Christmas together. The Nairns are! This morning we opened gifts -- even the animals got some -- and since then we've just been eating and watching movies. I'm still nursing a cold (the sore throat ended on the way home from Brandon, but the sniffles started) but it's not terrible and I don't feel too gross. I'm just happy to be off work and able to relax fully and enjoy every moment of it.

I got my Google Nexus 7 tablet, as requested (sometimes we do that!), and I blessed Paul with some much-needed items and a Dewalt Jobsite Radio, as he requested. My favourite gift to him was this:

Hiding his face. 
And here's me with my new tablet.

I am happy, although by this time Paul had been trying for a good photo for over a minute.
We've been enjoying ourselves thoroughly and look forward to a fun dinner tonight, complete with ribs and fries (for Paul) and pizza and salad for moi. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

It's Christmas Eve and on of my favourite little holiday tunes comes to mind. Please take a listen to the lovely Judy Garland, and sing along if you so wish! (The quality is a little scratchy. It's old!)

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
Next year all our troubles will be out of sight.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the yuletide gay
Next year all our troubles will be miles away.

Once again as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who were dear to us
Will be near to us once more.

Someday soon we will all be together,
If the Fates allow
Until then we'll have to mottle through somehow
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Special Sunday

This is how we spent the majority or our Sunday. Well, not sitting around staring at a camera, but enjoying each others' company.

In typical Christmas fashion, I ate way too much and enjoyed it thoroughly. I was really happy that Grampa and Amma could come to Brandon for the visit. It's rare that we get to see them at this time of year, so it was really special.

Back home to our own beds tonight. I expect many furry cuddles!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Family Saturday

*sigh* it feels good to be on "holidays" for a little bit. Even though I was infected by someone's cold virus which resulted in a nasty five-day sore throat, it's still nice to have the time off. It's even nicer to spend a few days with my weird family.

Skating was cold but fun and the food was tasty and never-ending. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday. I just wish Paul would get off the computer and pretend like he's interested! I hope our furries are warm and happy where they are today and don't miss us too much. I'm looking forward to the days ahead and to spending them with the ones I love.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Okay, that's it: I'm done work until the 31st! Everything got done quickly and effectively today, definitely thanks to my extra hours last night. I'm pretty exhausted, and nursing a nasty sore throat (I hate post-nasal drip), but the sun is shining and my hard work paid off.

I pray for safe travels for us, for others, and to everyone else as they spend Christmas with their loved ones! I do plan to blog this weekend and look forward to the days ahead.

Holidays begin.... NOW!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Payroll Progress

Well we're getting right down to the nitty gritty today. Only a day to go and it's been really busy and hard-working. A few extra hours pulled in at home will help get things done. You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes! If it means I get to leave work early on Friday, so be it.

The amount of money getting paid out to the people being "let go" is quite astonishing, if I must say. It sure pays off to be a long-term employee in an executive position. Maybe someday I'll be able to count myself one of that club.

Until that magical day, it's up to me and the team to keep on working our little tushies off to get people paid accurately and on time! Go Payroll!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Christmas Plate

I'm just going to say it, I dislike attending the annual TOPS meeting in which the program is the "Christmas Plate". The point is, we go through a pretend Christmas dinner and write down what we'd eat. At the end, they provide the caloric content of each and we find out just how much we ate. I dislike it because it does nothing for me. I'm going to eat what I'm going to eat, no matter how many calories are in it.

As per usual, I ate more than two days' worth of food in one meal. Great! I'm sure that if it was real, I would have enjoyed it thoroughly. In fact, I've had three large Christmas meals already this season and they were all pretty great. And I'm sure, pretty calorific.

I hope that others get something out of it; I simply don't. I'm going to enjoy my Christmas, including all the trimmings!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Tuesday

Eek, busy week ahead! Today wasn't so much but I'm expecting it to get that way very soon. Lots to do in a short amount of time. Isn't it funny how everything takes so long to happen and then BAM, it all goes down in a week's time.

Christmas with the family in only a few more sleeps!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day One Unease

"Legal Day One" has come to a close. There's still lots of work to be done this week before we can go home to our families and enjoy Christmas, but at least we know the fate of the company.

My current state is one of confusion, frustration, and powerlessness mixed with strong feelings of the unknown. I don't know what my job will look like in a month, and it bothers me. No, I don't think I'll be out of a job, I'm just bothered that I don't know more about it. Sure, I like to be "in the know" as often as possible and find it difficult being out of the loop. I would be more okay with it all if I understood why I'm not having more of a part in the changes than I feel I should. It goes back to my blog on Saturday regarding a fear of being pigeon-holed into an area I'm not in love with. Today it just compounded even further.

I'm going to try and just live day to day for now, as I've done up until today. No one knows what the future has in store for us, so it's best to make every moment count. I just hope tomorrow is a very productive day and a step in the right direction.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dana Nairn: Baker

Hell has frozen over: I'm baking!

This is a rare site, so take it in while you can. I have never enjoyed baking as much as I do cooking up a nice meal, as it's all so exact with the measuring and whatnot. But I decided that I wanted to share a recipe I found in a Chatelaine magazine so I donned my fun, pink apron and got to work.

It turns out that I'm not the greatest baker out there, but I'm not terrible. The item I made tasted decent and I learned that measuring actually does matter. Since I tested out the recipe myself, I can guarantee my family won't be poisoned. In fact, I hope they quite like what I made!

Let's just say it's the thought that counts, and leave it at that. Since the recipe didn't quite generate the quantity I assumed before starting, I'll probably even find time one evening this week to make something else to go with it. Just look at me, a professional baker in the making..... yeah right!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Integration Overtime

Working on a Saturday sure isn't what I envisioned for myself. But if you've kept in the loop at all about the company takeover that's going down officially on the 17th, it was necessary. I ate too much crap, and was exhausted by 3 pm from lack of sleep and my brain working too hard, but I was able to go home before dinner and got a lot accomplished.

Since October I've been involved with the redesign of a new time management system within our current computer software program. We've had it for a few years already but it's been "broken", to put it plainly. The last integration was complete junk and it's taken this long to get it re-done. I'm happy to help out with the testing, if it means having a good-working system. I also don't mind that it's helping me build my career and adding to my resume. What I'm worried about, however, is getting pigeon-holed into an area I don't love as much as another. I made it pretty clear to my manager that, although I don't mind helping out, I actually prefer doing more payroll-related items.

I'm just happy that we'll have a great new system to use and that the learning has really only just begun. I definitely do enjoy know what I'm doing so I can share my infinite knowledge with my co-workers and clients.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Party #1

Christmas Party #1, also known as "put some perogies straight on my butt" night, is over. It was for my company, and we had over 400 people attend. As with last year, I was on the committee that organized it and, all-in-all, it went pretty well.

Since Glencore will have officially taken over as of Monday, it was somewhat bittersweet. The COO (I think) addressed the crowd with a company message, on behalf of the entire executive. I have a feeling he will be one of the ones that isn't kept on once the new company comes on board, but that's most to be expected with a change of control. As far as who's leaving though, we actually do not have the names as of yet. Presumably Monday everything will come out and we'll get on the ball to complete the transaction, as par as payroll is concerned.

So back to the party, I have to say that those perogies were really much too tasty. So tasty that I'm still thinking about them. My only qualm for the entire evening is that the DJ played too many country songs. I understand they have to cater to a wide variety of people, but I just can't dance to it!

I may be on the committee for the Christmas Party again next year, but we'll see what the next half-year holds. You never know what will happen!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Confusing Vehicle Speed Discovery

This is going to sound really stupid but just the other day, I realized something quite earth-shattering.  I discovered that driving at slower speeds can often get you to your destination just as quick if not faster than if you drove at a higher speed. Just writing this I sound like such a dolt, but I don't care. It was an interesting find and I'm okay writing about it.

I discovered this fact when driving to the north-end Superstore from downtown. There's a major road to take there that's, for the most part, four lanes wide. It had just snowed the day before, and was still snowing a bit. The conditions weren't perfect so everyone was going a lot slower. I found the drive to the store quite pleasant and stress-free, even considering the distance I had to go and the lights that could possibly turn red on the way. I had actually been on the same road the day before and experienced something quite different; it look much longer!

Regina does NOT have their lights timed properly in most areas of the city, so I'm constantly frustrated about this. I do think, however, if you drive at a speed that's less than the limit of 50 km/hour, you can still end up getting to your destination quite quickly. In my head this is so confusing, as it thinks I should be able to drive 50 or 55 and get there faster. I simply haven't experienced this lately on many different roads.

My head is hurting just thinking about this, but I'm still serious. I'm sure other people can attest to my discovery and I'd love to hear their theories. Now, this isn't to say that I'll slow down to 40 everyday, but I will slow down on certain roadways that I know are bad for the lights and traffic. And I'll try and figure out how this even makes sense...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today is 12/12/12! Can you believe it? If you're at least thirteen years old, you've now lived through a full set of "triple dates"; from 01/01/01 until now. For many of us, this will never happen again in our lifetime as the next time one occurs is in 88 years.

I was interested to know what happened on the last 12/12/12 (in 1912), but was then disappointed to find out that NOTHING of interest occurred. Henry Armstrong, future boxer, was born, and Lutipold, the Prince Regent of Bavaria, died. Not only do I know know who either of those gentleman are or were, but I don't really care! I know, 12/12/1912 was just like any other day in history, but that's what's wrong with it. I say that if it's a special date, something MUST happen, like it's fate.

I hope that something cool happened today so that in 100 years someone will be able to write a blog about it. Maybe they'll even Google "blogs from 12/12/2012" and mine will appear. Now THAT would be a historically-interesting event!

P.S. Happy Anniversary to my Grandparents!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Wintery Interlude

It's been a while since I wrote a poem, so here we go...

Oh winter storm
How hard you blow
From East to West
From high to low

Your wrath is harsh
And biting cold
You make me bundle
And feel real old

My fingers ache
My toes need heat
I wish my car
Had a heated seat

The snow falls fast
It swirls all ''round
When the wind rushes past
It makes that sound

I'll drink something hot
And keep busy inside
For I won't let this storm
Ruin my yuletide.

Stay warm and safe, everyone!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Secret Keeper

Do you like secrets? Yes? So do I. I have a secret. Do you want me to tell you what it is? Guess what? No way, Jose! It's not really anything very interesting, and is not about me or Paul (directly, anyway), so don't get all excited.

I think the best part of secrets is trying really hard not to tell them. I'll be honest, I have been known to spill the beans once or twice in my life, but a good secret that someone will benefit from later is totally worth keeping.

You might as well not bother yourself trying to guess because I'm not a good liar and really don't want to have to do that to you. It's best you just come up with your own secret and taunt another person with it. That way you'll have some fun as well. See? It's fun having secrets!

I do have one secret that I'll spill: I spend at least an hour in the bathroom every morning, getting ready for the day. Paul thinks it's my favourite room. I tend not to disagree with him...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

It sure is nice to come home to my loved ones. Sure, there was laundry and groceries to do, and a Christmas tree to put up, but the feeling once it's all done is quite satisfying. As I write this, my favourite Jack Russell Terrier is snoozing nearby, and I can glimpse a corner of our little tree in the living room, all aglow with multi-coloured lights. The smell of a Creme Brulée-scented 3-wick candle is also filling the entire house with a delicious aroma. It feels very cozy and festive right now.

There are only a few weeks to go before we celebrate Christ's birth. I'm looking forward to eating, and sleeping in, and giving gifts, and visiting with my family, and of course, thanking Jesus for coming into this world. Just a little more snow on the ground and it will be perfect.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Un Belle Visite au Brandon

Saturday was a Brandon kind of day! The weather presented a perfect winter day, complete with barely a breeze and crisp, cold air. The roads were dry and mostly bare, and I made excellent time, arriving within a few minutes of my expected arrival.

I enjoyed a nice visit with my parents, some yummy food (I need to make that soup now myself...), and even got to hang out with my furry siblings for a bit. They obviously missed me because they gratefully accepted my raw food donation and belly rubs.

The day was only sweetened by an excellent showing of Calvary Temple's Singing Christmas Tree and a delightful visit over appetizers with some old friends. I was very tired after the fun-filled day, but enjoyed all of it.

I'm looking forward to another visit to B-town in a few weeks and hope that the roads and weather are just as stupendous.

Friday, December 7, 2012


At 4:00 am central standard time, MOFCOM approved the purchase of Viterra by Glencore. Until 2:30 pm, however, I was unsure what that would all look like for the next two weeks of my up-in-the-air life.

Really the most positive thing for me this month is, it looks very likely that I'll get to go home for Christmas. If the approval had occurred even more business day later, however, that might not have been the case. Thank you God!

Until the next two weeks is over, however, there's plenty to do. I'll probably be working overtime, and already know I'll have to go in next weekend. But, that's okay because I'm actually available and in town.

All-in-all, I guess I'm glad it's coming to a close, rather than a denial. I still believe that the change will be good for me personally, and would like that I see it sooner rather than later. I'm still motivated and dedicated to my job and hope that's recognized.

If I'm not too tired to blog each day coming up, I'll share what interesting news I can!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

More Sore :(

If it's not my back or my right wrist or my sinus issues, it's something else. This time it's my left shoulder and I truly don't know what I did to it.

Seriously though, I woke up a few days ago with a sore shoulder, completely unsure of how it happened. It hurts to raise it straight up (like a shoulder shrug) and pulling my arm forward seems to compound the issue (like when I'm typing...). My neck is also more stiff so it's creating more tension across to my right arm now. So very frustrating.

I'm going to put some ice on it tonight after my shower and see how it feels in the morning. Hopefully I don't have to go see my Chiropractor friend or Doctor, because I simply don't have time for that right now! The key is resting it, and prayer, I'm sure, so that I will do.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Current Weight Loss Plan

I was the biggest KOPS loser tonight! Right on! Actually, I did much better than expected with a 2 1/2 lb loss this week. I figure it's because I told the naughty little devil that normally hangs out on my shoulder to take a hike and find a new job tormenting a willpower-less fool.

In four months, almost to the day, it will be my 30th birthday. For myself, I'd like to lose ten pounds by then. It's absolutely attainable, and something I've wanted to do since the beginning of my "journey". I just haven't had quite enough motivation or been choosing the right foods to lower my weight further. The major change I've made recently is eating most of my food before suppertime. It completely makes sense to eat a large breakfast and lunch and then eat less at dinner, but I've been doing it the "wrong way" for so many years that it was hard to grasp a change.

This is my typical daily food intake, from Monday to Friday:

  • Breakfast: fried egg whites (approx 1/4 - 1/3 cup, and I only use cooking spray to grease the pan), either a piece of my new favourite toast or two pieces of Weight Watchers Multigrain with 60% Less Becel, a cup of skim milk, an applesauce cup, and a serving of Greek yogourt.
  • Morning snack: small banana or half of a large one
  • Lunch: homemade vegetarian chili and broccoli coleslaw (the dressing is oil & vinegar-based) or a hearty soup (with beans or lentils) and some marinated vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cherry tomatoes). Or I mix and match.
  • Afternoon snack: the other half of my banana or a different piece of fruit like a pear or mandarin orange or some raspberries
  • Dinner: a Smart Ones meal (I like the quesadillas  with a salad, or a small piece of sauteed salmon with a salad or vegetables, or a piece of toast and eggs, or a hearty bowl of soup and vegetables. 

Then I don't eat anything else before bed. I also drink lots of water (at least 8-10 glasses per day) which includes tea in the morning and often tea in the evening. I also started taking the stairs up and down at work and think it's helping out a lot.

So, that's what I do and it seems to be working for me. I try to eat heartily and healthfully and indulge when I absolutely need to. The best thing for me to stay motivated is to stay away from temptations that just make me want more, like donuts or pizza or other white flour-based foods. I'm still fully enjoying what I eat, I just make it so I don't want more by eating the right things. I also have to change things up often because I do get bored. The biggest misconception for others about me is that they think I'm not eating enough. If they knew that I eat five times a day they'd not think that, but it's hard when all they see is me eating basically the same lunch every day.

I say if it works, and it ain't broken, don't fix it. I definitely needed a change from my old routine, but I'm very happy with the results so far and look forward to continued losses. 2 1/2 lbs per month is all it will take to reach my 10 pound goal. I know I can do it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Reason for the Season

Today was not the greatest. It's hard to remain positive about much when the idea that my Christmas off could be completely abolished due to this stupid Glencore deal. I'm having a hard time coming to terms with it. It's not just that I might not get to spend time with my loved ones; I haven't had any more than a few days off at a time since February, and I'm completely exhausted and fed up over it.

You could say I made the choice to not take any time off in the summer. My answer to that is, I did NOT choose that, I didn't have the option. My co-worker's brother passed away right after the August long weekend. I had not planned time off because she already had for the end of August. Due to the events that occurred, I had no choice but to work. And work I did. That was the only month I've ever had more than a few hours of overtime compared to the entire two years prior.

I specifically planned to take the week of Christmas off. That was always my plan. With the 24th and 26th landing on a Tuesday/Wednesday, I could take off three days and still end up with a full week and two weekends at home. A great idea in principle, but not so great when MOFCOM takes their sweet time deciding the outcome of this whole schmozzle.

At this point, I'm praying it doesn't go through or is pushed back again. Sure, it's entirely selfish, but not only do I want to be able to see my family at Christmas, I absolutely need the time off.

If you are one of the family members I'm planning on seeing the weekend before Christmas, please pray that everything works out in my favour, and that you can come to terms with the Nairns not being there, if that's the end result. I need to get to a place where I'm okay with it also, so I understand the frustration and sadness over it. Just remember that Jesus is the reason for the season and no matter where we are, we'll be celebrating it the same way.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Need. Sleep. Now.

Today I totally felt like the walking dead. I am soooo tired! The alarm went off at 6 am, and I never really woke up all day. There were moments where I thought I was okay, then my eyes got heavy and I found myself completely out of it again.

Because of that, I'm keeping this ultra-short. I had a nice quiet day yesterday, but I guess one very late night on the weekend caught up to me today. Caffeine didn't even help! So, enough said, I'm going to bed.

Oh by the way, did you realize it's only 21 days until Christmas?! Yikes!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Odd -- and Frustrating -- Winter Weather

This stupid weather is really getting on my nerves. One day it's -25, then a few days later it's raining. Literally! Right now it's +2 and raining. I checked the forecast for the week and seriously wonder what God is thinking... Tuesday high of -13, Wednesday high of 0, Thursday high of -13. If that actually happens.... I don't know. I'm just shaking my head.

The worst part, obviously, is the rain. I can get over tons of snow falling, but if it just rains on top of the snow then freezes, it sure makes things much more treacherous for getting around the city. And slow. The city's lights aren't timed properly as it is, so add in icy streets and you have a very long drive home.

At least the city has been pretty good about plowing the streets. They do need to get more sand out on the ice, but they're doing alright overall. If the weather would just stay cold so rain didn't happen, it would all be so much better. And less dangerous.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

J's 30th Birthday Fun

It's hard to believe I'm almost 30 years old. At least I'm not the first of my friends to celebrate that milestone. Friend and co-worker J's 30th birthday is on the 9th, so we planned ahead to have a fun night out with the girls.

Supper was tasty, the hot tub was warm and relaxing, and the party was hopping. We definitely had a great night and were happy to get out and shake "what our mothers gave us". I don't know about the others, but I sure ended the night off feeling much younger than I am! Not like some old lady, which is how I feel more often than not after a hard week of work!

I'll need to plan something similar for my upcoming birthday, since we all had so much fun. Only four months to go! Eeps! Forget that, I'll be 29 forever :p

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