Friday, November 9, 2012

Winter Whiteout Woes

It appears that winter has officially arrived. Or rather, it has reared its ugly head and declared, "enough of that grass crap, Prairies. It's time to cover your world with SNOW!" I've said it before, I quite like winter, especially the snow part. This time, however, I'm quite peeved that it decided to arrive today.

Last year on this same weekend, Paul and I traveled to Edmonton for a short weekend away. We had a lot of fun at the mall and got to get some quality time in together. It was short, but sweet. This year we decided to just get away to Saskatoon for an overnight. I planned this a few months ago. The hotel is booked and we've been looking forward to just getting away from the pets and the usual distractions. That was until the snowstorm hit.

We still plan on leaving tomorrow morning, dropping Casey off at the Playground first. I'll pray before bed that it dies down, and get up early to check the road reports. If they say anything other than "Closed", we'll go. Even if it's still windy and lightly snowing, we'll go. The only reason we'll decide to stay here is if it's whiteout conditions. In that case, our backup plan is to still get out of the house and stay overnight at the Delta (thanks to my darling sister and her Family Rate booking capabilities).

Regardless of what God/Mother Nature has bestowed upon us, I'm still looking forward to the weekend ahead. I expect lots of relaxing, shopping, and some delicious food and drink are ahead!

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