Friday, November 23, 2012

Coffee Time

For someone that absolutely does not consider herself a coffee liker let alone drinker, the tasting I attended at work today was quite alright! I was there by default (the other organizers weren't interested so someone had to be there), but I'm actually glad I was in the end.

For those that are coffee fans, and drink large cups of the beverage whitened with cream and sweetened by sugar every day, you are quite mistaken in how to drink the world's second most traded commodity. I urge you to visit a "real" coffee shop, like Forbidden Flavours in Brandon or Atlantis Coffee in Regina, and ask the barista for their best cup of joe. And don't add any cream or sugar!

Not only did I not dislike the coffee I sampled today, but I learned a lot about it. For fun, Google "facts about coffee" to learn some interesting things yourself. Did you know that it takes about 45 minutes for caffeine to hit your bloodstream and for you to feel the affects of the coffee?

I'm not necessarily going to become a coffee drinker (I prefer tea by far), but I definitely have a greater appreciation for it now. I'm happy I "had to" attend the tasting today and learn something new about a drink I was previously very ignorant of.

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