Tuesday, November 13, 2012


After more than a year of my wedding and engagement rings being too big to wear (properly), I can finally say they fit! I dropped them off last week at a goldsmith to get sized and just picked them up after work today. Look:

It's strange to wear them both again. I was able to wear the wedding band, but it was so loose that I feared losing it down the drain when washing my hands. Scary, and definitely not worth wearing it if I could possibly never see it again.

I have to say that I was quite surprised when my fingers shrunk at all. When it comes to ring sizes, mine was a 5 before losing weight. Now it's about 4 1/2 or so. That's pretty small. So small that I often can't buy rings "off the rack" as the smallest they come in is 5. At least my middle and index fingers are larger. Yet again, I don't wear rings other than these so why do I care!?

The best part of my rings fitting: it's nice to be "married" again. haha.

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