Wednesday, November 7, 2012

TOPS Hurrah

My "reign" as Weight Recorder of TOPS SK 2765 Regina has come to an end. Officially, and quite satisfyingly. I already feel like myself again, mingling with the members and getting to play a different role. Although I believe I will probably sit on the executive again at some point in the future, I know that it will be in a very different capacity and I'll not feel "weighed down" -- pardon the pun -- by it.

We had a great night also. There were lots of awards to give out to the big losers, and we celebrated some fabulous successes. I even got to take home some fruit for achieving one of the top spots for the month. I was very happy to congratulate my friends for a job well done one and hand them their prizes one last time.

I hope our group continues on positively, regardless of what may come in the future. It's no secret that we've grown to capacity, and that time seems to be of the absolute essence. I'm having fun being there though, so I support my group in all areas.

I'm really looking forward to the next few months, with a Christmas party, a new year, and then the annual instillation. It shall be interesting, that's for sure!

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