Monday, November 19, 2012

Piano Finger Ring Sizing

I may have been "re-ringed" last Tuesday, but today my engagement ring was sliding all around my little finger so bad that I took it back to get downsized even more. Believe it or not, it will be a size 4 once my little Asian jeweler friend is done with it. I might as well have baby fingers.

I like to say that I have "piano fingers". I did play piano for a number of years, as well as other musical instruments, so their slenderness could possibly be from that. says:
Piano Fingers are fingers that are long and thin. Piano fingers are great because you're able to reach piano keys much more easily. It's also a compliment.
Alright then. All I know is that when someone with average-sized fingers attempts to put my wedding band on their finger, it usually only makes it on their pinky. Well, except for those freakish, skinny girls. And my sister. Maybe it's just hereditary. Don't google "skinny fingers hereditary" though. We do not have Marfan Syndrome!

Having skinny fingers can be quite a positive trait. They're great for getting paper unstuck from the photocopier or printer. They're also good for typing quickly and playing musical instruments (see above). I bet they're also good for hailing taxicabs.

So I do have to fork over another $20 to get my ring re-sized, but at least this time I'm 99% confident it will fit properly. And if it's too small in the summer when my fingers swell due to the heat, I'll just take it off. So there.

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