Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Feeling Low

I'll be honest, I'm having a hard time keeping it together. All of a sudden, starting this past Monday, I've been feeling pretty blue. I'm getting the same amount of sleep, eating the same food, and basically living on the same schedule. I don't feel like myself however.

I've never felt low for more than a day. I'm praying for strength and happiness, and attempting to lift my own spirits, but it's been really hard. In the morning, I just feel like going back to bed -- for the rest of the day -- and shutting out the day's duties. I realize that's not an option right now though, so I'm trucking along.

I'm lucky to have a few friends/co-workers in my life that are positive and care about my well-being. They try to bring me up but also respect my space. If I don't feel different soon, however, I'll need to seek medical advice.

This is hard for me because I consider myself to be a pretty upbeat person. It just seems so much harder than usual to crack a smile or enjoy a funny story. Sure, there could be a medical explanation for it, but it's not something I'm familiar or even comfortable with.

Rather than mope around not sharing my feelings, however, I wanted to at least write about what's going on in my life, as I've done for the other 317 days of the year. I have faith that things will get better, so I'll keep on keeping on the best that I can. I sure do need a holiday though...

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