Saturday, November 17, 2012

Two Bumps and Some Bruises

OUCH! I wiped out :( As per my normal routine, I walked outside to go start my car as it was all frosted over and I wanted it warm. Unlike normal, however, I was carrying a huge stack of poster boards to put in the trunk. Clearly walking too fast and dragging my feet, I slipped right off the top step of the deck (there are four). The frost had created a thin layer there as well, so my gripless slippers had no chance. The fall went by pretty quickly so all I really remember is a "bump bump" (two steps?) and leaning back so I didn't fall forward, and all my posters flying into the snow. Not cool.

Needless to say, I felt sore pretty quickly after that. A few ibuprofen were no match for the bumps and bruises I received. As long as I don't lift my right leg up... or lift anything with my left arm... or sit down for too long... sounds like this is going to be fun.

I do know that I'm glad I'm only 29 when it happened because a 79 year old would be in much worse shape than I. My bones are strong and I'm pretty resilient. After a few days I'm hoping my pain will subside and I'll be fine. I'll definitely be WAY more careful from now on though!

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