Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saskatoon Coziness

It might have been snowin' and blowin', but we were very motivated to get the heck outta town on Saturday. City roads are always worse than highways, so we braved the winter weather for a night away from home.

Other than getting a little stuck in the parking lot of the kennel Casey stays at, we had an uneventful drive to Saskatoon. A stop in Davidson for a Subway lunch made a nice break, and we made it into the city in good time. We were able to check into our room right away and get to looking around. The hotel was nice (Radisson) and we felt very cozy. We even got a room on the 15th floor with a view of the river. I was very pleased.

I was very smart in getting a hotel right downtown as we were able to park the car in the heated underground lot and just walk where we needed to go. The mall was literally three blocks away.

After spending all my husband's hard-earned money on some beautiful boots and Lululemon gear, we spent a short while in the hotel hot tub. There were plenty of kids around and the the tub wasn't the greatest, but we relaxed in the warmth, inside from the wintery wind.

Dinner consisted of some good 'ol pub food (nachos, chicken fingers and fries) at a warm and cozy Irish bar a few blocks from the hotel. We left full but happy. I would totally go back there again.

I fell asleep early after a busy but fun day. The bed was cozy (see a theme here?) and there were plenty of pillows to go around (Paul always bugs me about my pillows). I'm really glad we were able to get out of town and have some quality time together, that's for sure.

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