Thursday, November 22, 2012

Freaky Furnace

Our furnace is acting funny all of a sudden. I don't like it one bit. Can someone please come over and fix it and make me feel better?

Seriously though, I have it set to be 21.5C at 4:45 pm until 10:00 pm. It said it was only 21C but wasn't turning on. So I pressed the button up for manual override to 22C just for a little while. Well, it was at 23.5C and wasn't turning off! I had to turn the actual system to "OFF" and wait for it to shut down. Then I put it back on the auto. It turned back on again when the heat was at 21C, to warm it up to 21.5. It turned off shortly after it had warmed up, but now it's turned back on again even though the thermostat says it's 21.5C in here. I don't like it :(

Last year we had an issue with the furnace too. It wouldn't even turn on though. Something was wrong with the sensor or the switch or who-knows-what on the actual furnace itself. I just don't have the time or patience to deal with this right now.

If it continues acting up, I'll need to call the heating guy tomorrow to see if they can come out. Then I'll need to miss work and drive home on the nasty streets to take care of it. At least it's Friday and hopefully will be quiet in the office. OR, hopefully it's just me and not the furnace and I don't have to be stressed out over anything at all. I hope. Amen.

P.S. It just turned off again. Fingers and toes crossed that I'm just cuckoo and it keeps working fine.

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