Monday, November 12, 2012

Cold Nights

Have you noticed how, most of the time, the temperature drops after a snowfall? I tried to consult Wikipedia to understand why this happens, but I only found this one line:
The small temperature change from before to after a snowfall is a result of the heat transfer between the snowpack and the air.
Yeah, okay... But seriously, it DOES change. Last night we went out to see the movie "Flight" starring Denzel Washington. It was definitely worth going to see, so please do! It started to get quite cold before we went out, and I knew that it was past time to get my car's block heater cord out so I could plug in. By the time we left the theatre it was -16C. That's without the wind chill, however, so I figure it probably dropped a few more last night and felt closer to -30C. Paul was able to plug my car in for me and I had no issues in the morning.

It's strange, though, as just a couple days ago it was closer to -5C during the day. The forecast for this week is suggesting highs of -2 or -3C. The up and down can really get to you, but as long as you dress appropriately, anything can be handled.

I'm definitely happy to be in the warm house when it's cold and windy outside, but in the afternoon if it's calm and the sun is shining, there's nothing better than a snowy winter day.

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