Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Night Off

Sometimes you  just need to take the night off. Tonight was that kind of night. It helped that the weather was yucky and I really didn't want to go out in it. I could have, but I didn't feel like it. And it wasn't even because I figured I'd gained a little weight during the last week (I was skipping weigh in and the meeting).

It's always fun to just catch up on recorded TV shows, eat some comfort food, and relax. I haven't had a Wednesday night off since March, because in April I took the Weight Recorder position. The only times I had to get a backup to cover my job was for dinner out with my MIL, or buying our new vehicles. I don't consider either of those nights as being "off". Not like last night!

Speaking of the yucky weather. I really hate when it downpours for hours on end then snows like crazy on top of it. Imagine a thick layer of ice covered in fluff. At least it was pretty slushy... for now... until it drops to well below zero then freezes solid. Soooo looking forward to tomorrow :)... :(

So it might be icky outside but it's plenty warm and cozy inside and I quite enjoyed myself!

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