Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Doctor Dumped Me

My fourth South African doctor in a row is leaving me. Okay, third doctor. The first one left me for a job that worked better for her family. I left the second one because we moved to Regina. The third one mysteriously disappeared. (I'm not too unhappy about that one, in particular, but she did leave so she makes the list). The fourth one just let me know that she was offered a pretty spectacular amount of money for a job in La Ronge. If you haven't heard of it, Google it. It's up north. The only way doctors accept positions there is for the money and work-life balance. Guess what? She's getting a sweet 2.5 million big ones (or that's what I thought she said, anyway) and two weeks off for every two she works. Huh. How about that. Nice for her, not so nice for me.

Seriously though, this means I have to try and get another lady doctor to accept me at the same clinic. I have my issues, so I just hope she does. She's the only other one at the office I go to. Otherwise, I'll need to start looking elsewhere. It totally bites. At least Doctor Big-Money gave me six months of prescriptions to keep me going while I find some other soul to take me on. Thanks.

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