Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Being Charitable

If you haven't noticed, it's that time of year again when the charities are out looking for donations. Whether it's door-to-door canvassers for the MS or Cancer Society, or United Way through payroll deductions, we can start feeling that pressure to GIVE once again.

At work, it's often like they think we're made of money, just because of who we work for. Not only does "Jeans Day for Charity" cost $5 per Friday (or $20 for five weeks), but there are 50/50 draws all the time, and NFL pools, and sick kids and spouses... and the list goes on! It almost makes me feel angry that they keep asking for my money all the time. I'd like to give, but I can't give to everyone.

My neighbour across the street just happens to canvass for the Canadian Diabetes Association every fall. She came by this evening saying, "it's that time of year again!". No kidding. I obviously welcomed her in and promptly whipped out my checkbook. I'm not usually so eager, but since I can afford it, I'll just donate a little. Honestly, I do have a hard time saying no to someone that I may actually get to know better for being neighbours; if it was a stranger, it would be easier to say, "no thanks". At least it was for the C.D.A. and I have a personal connection with the disease (my uncle was diagnosed once, and right away started working on himself to make it go away).

I think we all have personal connections with certain charities and feel more willing to open our wallets for them. It definitely can get overwhelming though, so you simply have to pick your favourites and just stick to a budget. At least charitable donations are tax deductible...

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