Thursday, November 29, 2012

Deal Update

The head honchos were in the office today for a "meet and greet". It was more like an update of what's going on with the merger/acquisition. Nothing new was really shared, and I wasn't entirely surprised.

There are people out there that think the deal won't go through at all. Then there's the option that the timeline to decide gets extended. The final option, which still many want to happen, is that the deal simply gets accepted. To explain to anyone out of the loop, MOFCOM (Google it) has to agree to the acquisition of Viterra by Glencore as we have a share of the market in China. That's the very short story. I'm sure there's lots more info on the world wide web if you wish to find out.

Regardless of what happens, I very much want some resolution to occur. Today makes one full year that I've been in a temporary role, and I just want it to be permanently recognized. I still have some faith, but my patience wanes as time wears on.

I'm going to keep working hard and, if they say "yes", I'm on-board to get everything done that's necessary. I'm a team player and willing to make things happen when it's time for it. I just hope it's soon.

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