Saturday, November 24, 2012

Queuing Up for Christmas

As we stood in line at Mark's Work Wearhouse during a five-hour sale, I was reminded why I completely dislike shopping in stores this time of year. My best best why the internet was created: to be able to purchase everything you could possibly imagine online, at home in your pajamas, without standing in line at the mall.

We specifically waited for this sale because we got the flyer in the mail and Paul immediately mentioned he needed a pair of steel-toed winter boots. I didn't say no, because he's working hard and really does have a need for them. I also didn't really prepare myself for the shopping experience. The line literally ran from the front till, down one aisle, down the back aisle, then back up the other aisle, ending at the till on the opposite side. A perfect square of holiday shoppers, waiting anxiously to cash in on their big 20% discount.

Paul was good about holding a place for us in the queue while I walked around looking at things. For my "cut", I ended up with an ivory turtleneck that was already on sale, a new pair of leather slippers (I picked dark red, with rubber soles. They are really nice!), and a pair of "tall size" long underwear for the old man. Then we stood in line, chatting with the other shoppers about football and hockey and Scotland. The store even provided cookies and passed around a tray a few times.

In the end, the cashiers were working very quickly to get everyone through, and it didn't really last that long, but I still prefer, hands-down, shopping online. In fact, each of Paul's gifts were purchased on the web, except for one that I need to get at Home Depot to save on shipping. It's nice to just get a package in the mail and have that feeling of, "wow, that was easy". Stress at this time of year is not at all what I look forward to, that's for sure!

Happy shopping to all the rest of you who will brave the retail outlets in the next month!

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