Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The CPA Made My Day

The Canadian Payroll Association (CPA) made my day today. Twice. Let me share the awesomeness with you.

Time #1:

Four to six weeks ago a new document came out from the CPA detailing the guidelines for salary overpayments. Upon taking a read, I came to realize how poor of a job the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that were involved with putting them together did in editing their grammar and spelling. If you follow my blog closely, you would have read the one I did on editing documents. It's fair enough to say that doing so is one of my passions. That said, when I discovered that a professional organization let such a document get out to the public, I was quite disgusted. So, since receiving it, in my spare time I've been going through with my red pen and making my own "reviewer notes". It's approximately 40 pages long. I finishes yesterday and scanned the document back to the developer at the CPA in Toronto. This is the basic sum of our back-and-forth email conversation in the last 24 hours:

CPA: Thanks for your comments! Do you want to review more of the guidelines on the website?
Me: You're welcome, and sure!
CPA: Great, we'll email you the Word documents so you can track your changes right on the file.
Me: That would be great, thanks!
CPA: I reviewed all your comments and, other than a few items, am sending it to the communications department to make the suggested changes.
Me: Oh wow!
CPA: Do you want to take part in a review of all the guidelines next year? It will be for 1-2 days in Toronto and your airfare and accommodations will be paid for.
Me: Ummmmmm....YES! Oh wait, except I have a few holidays booked. I hope it's not during that time.
CPA: When do you have leave booked?
Me: July 18-20 and August 10-24.
CPA: No problem, I'll book around that.

What the....?!?!?! AWESOME! Just you wait, CPA, you're gonna pay me money to do this for you yet! (Did I mention all my time is volunteered?)

Time #2:

I joined the Volunteer Committee of the CPA's Regina branch a short time ago and tonight was the appreciation/Christmas dinner. The restaurant was considerably high-end, and I even ordered a non-free beverage with my meal. The CPA paid the bill for me and the nine other attendees. Sweet!

Not a bad day overall, eh?

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