Thursday, November 8, 2012

Left Out

Have you ever found yourself to be the lone person in a group that wasn't invited to a major event for someone else in the group? I didn't expect to, but it seems that the time has come. A co-worker is getting married and it appears that, expect for the new girls, I'm the only one that's left out in the cold.

I'm not friends with this person, but have tried to be. I don't know why, but we've never connected. Maybe it's her, maybe it's me. Either way, we say little to each other and don't have to due to our job responsibilities. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't feel singled out if I wasn't invited to her upcoming nuptials.

Said wedding happens to be this Saturday. She's already on leave to prepare, but a few other co-workers keep talking about the weekend right in front of me. Don't they realize I wasn't invited? Are they just so unprofessional that they don't have the respect to talk about it out of my earshot? Honestly, I'm not entirely offended to not be invited; the issue is the other people around me that appear to have a lack of regard for my feelings.

I don't care what the plans for the weekend are. I don't care what you're wearing or what you still need to buy for your outfit. I also don't care to hear about what happens at the wedding when you come to work on Tuesday gabbing about it. I don't want to see pictures or hear how good the food was. I would like you to please take any talk about it away from my area so I don't have to get upset.

There is only one person I feel comfortable expressing my feelings over this situation to, but only because they are one of the "new girls" who also was not invited. She agrees that it's disrespectful and wouldn't blame me for calling in sick on Tuesday. I won't actually do that, but I sure feel like it.

Congrats to the happy couple, but it would have been nice to at least get a "courtesy invite" so I could have the chance to decline... because I would have.

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