Friday, November 2, 2012

Snow Smiles

Yet another busy Friday at work, and yet another Friday that a co-worker is sick. Hmm. Obviously I won't name names, but it definitely bothers me that they continually are "sick". It's not even due to the cold or flu, but rather self-inflicted through choice of foods. I'll leave it at that.

I was busy though, and it's good to be. It's never nice to be bored, especially on a Friday when all you want to do is go home and relax. I even had a massage halfway through the day over my lunch hour, to break up the time and, of course, to incur some painful pleasure! It was misty outside when I went into the therapist, and when I left, the snow was falling quite rapidly. The temperature must have dropped one degree, as it seems that's all it took to change the wet stuff into white stuff.

I was prepared at 4:30 with my pink snowbrush, and although the roads were very icy and it took longer to get home, it was a great feeling to be done the week. I've said it before, I really like winter so, although treacherous roads are not desirable, the fluffy, beautiful snow is. It's almost as if my world became cozier after a soft blanket covered the earth. Sure, shovelling's no fun, and neither is being cold, so I stay warm and burn some calories cleaning my driveway. Enough said!

The weekend may be filled with errands and organizing, but at least the snow cover will make me smile while I keep busy.

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