Monday, November 26, 2012

Positive Performance

After a year without one, I finally received a performance review. Finally is an understatement, actually! At my last job, I had one twice a year... for three years! In the 2 + years I've been in my current employment, I've had... um... three? Yeah, that sounds about right. Not cool.

I get it, we're busy and doing them takes a lot of time for my manager. Not only that but she's in the position somewhat unwillingly due to the need for her to be there. I love working with her though, so am very patient when it comes to my review.

After all was said and done, I did pretty good! I scored myself too high for the most part (I was having one of those days, okay?!) but she also agreed with my score a few times. Apparently a 3 out of 5 is considered quite excellent anyway, so there's no need for me to be disappointed. If I had anything less though, that would be a problem!

I'm still hoping that things work out positively for me in the near future, but we're still playing the waiting game. Until China decides where our fate lies, I'm at the mercy of the people. Darn those people. All they care about is getting paid! Oh wait, I guess I'm one of them. HA!

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