Thursday, November 15, 2012

Parade Prep

To add to my already-stressful life, I found out that the Santa Clause Parade is NOT scheduled for Sunday, November 25th. Rather, it's the 18th. Newsflash: that's in three days. When I was informed that I had the date wrong, I could just feel my blood pressure rise. *Deep breath in... and out... and again...*

Good thing I'm organized so I set up a plan to get together with a few people on Saturday to do some arts and crafts. I need to make up some sandwich boards in the theme of the parade, that advertise TOPS and share our stories. I stopped at a few stores after work today and got the supplies, so now we just need to get the stuff done. Then Sunday morning all Paul and I will need to do is decorate the truck.

Thankfully, the weather is expected to be quite mild. Not so good for keeping a white truck clean for the parade, but fantastic for both parade go-ers and participants. I'm still looking forward to it, albeit will be somewhat stressed over preparations until they're done. Parades are fun and happy, so I'll try and remember that when I'm freaking out!

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