Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Clothing Size Debaucle

Since I lost some weight, I came to realize that each clothing company seems to have its own sizing guides. This can create both happiness and frustration at times when trying on clothes.

For example, at Giant Tiger, I still have to wear a size 12 for shorts. Before losing weight, at most stores, I would wear an 18. There's no way an 18 from GT would have fit me two years ago. At Ricki's, however, I easily wear a size 10 pant, but depending on the style, can also wear an 8.

For tops, at Smart Set I like their size large t-shirts. They are very form-fitted, so a large fits really nice. Camisoles from the same store, however, fit me better in a medium. I just bought a new t-shirt from Superstore today. It was a size small. Yes, a small. Maybe it's supposed to fit generously big, but I thought it fit me just right. I have medium tank tops from Joe Fresh as well, and they are even a bit big.

As far as underwear goes, I like a large at La Senza, but a medium at Superstore. At least bras fit basically the same everywhere!

This whole sizing phenomenon just boggles my mind. I can't believe that there isn't just one standard all across the nation, or world even. I'm not stupid, I realize that 99% of my clothing is made in China or some other highly-populated country. But that said, why doesn't all the clothing that comes out of there fit the same?

I'm happy when I put on a size small t-shirt, but really ticked when I still have to wear a 12 shorts. I know, size shouldn't matter, but when I go to any other store and find that I can wear a smaller size, it gets me down to buy one bigger.

I suppose regardless of the size I'm wearing at the time, as long as I realize I look good, that's all that matters. I still think that the clothing manufacturers of the world are messing with us though!

Monday, July 30, 2012

How Do the Chinese Do It?

Have you been watching the Olympics yet? Well, you should! If you are, can you believe those incredible Chinese athletes? Which ones?! All of them, silly!

As of right now when I'm writing this, China has won 9 gold medals, 5 silvers, and 3 bronze. It's only day three! It makes me wonder how exactly they can win so many more than others. Is it that their population is so much greater so they have a better chance of winning? Do they have more money? What is it?

I found an interesting article, written by someone who attended Dartmouth College. It was very mathematical, suggesting a complication equation could determine the outcome of the Olympics. It was very theoretical and wordy, but the bits I skimmed over proved that there indeed could be a correlation between country population and medal count.

Another article written today, regarding the Chinese swimmers in the current games, spoke about the training they get outside their home country. Coaches are also paid bonuses for developing winning swimmers. One coach is quoted to say, "China is putting a lot of money into its program and I am only too happy to work with them. The whole Chinese philosophy is that they want to be the best they can."

Good for the Chinese, but I wish that Canada could bring more medals home. We excel in a few particular sports (moreso in the Winter Games), but could do so much better. I'm still not entirely sure if we just need more money to get there. Either way, I"m really happy for the two Canadian athletes that have won a medal so far (Emilie Heymans and Jennifer Abel - 3 metre synchro diving).

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Anti-Green Thumb

I don't consider myself to have a green thumb. In fact, I'm more likely to have a purple thumb, which I consider to me the anti-green. Plants are nice to look at, but I have some difficulty keeping them alive.

Inside plants are much easier than outside, because I prefer to be indoors. At least I see them and occasionally remember to give them a water. Even at that, I still nearly killed one of my ivy plants this past year. I'm now nursing it back, slowly but surely.

The only garden I'll ever have will be a tabletop one. Paul will need to build me one first, but if he does, I think I could take a stab at growing a few things. The hardier the plant, the better off it will be at my house.

I've been staring at my god-awfully ugly front garden for a while now. It's only the length of half our house, on the front, next to the deck/front door. There are a few plants in it, no thanks to me, but 90% of the monstrosity is weeds and a few overgrown bushes. Motivation hit me this afternoon so I got out my gardening gloves (yes, I actually own some) and a foam mat to kneel on, and grabbed a big garbage bag and some hedge clippers. Half an hour later, with the help of a shovel and a rake, there are only a few tidbits of weeds left, the bushes are trimmed back, and the dirt has been turned. I have to say, I'm quite proud of my achievement!

I'd like to say that next year, I'll plant a few hardy plants, but honestly, I will probably fail on that promise. I should probably buy something that requires next to no grooming and just fill the space up. Maybe ferns, or something. Heck, feel free to suggest something! Considering I made it out only once this year, and the same last year (also to just clean it up), don't suggest anything that takes ANY time!

So, maybe my thumb isn't entirely green, or it wouldn't be if I just tried a little harder. For now, I'll just say it's purple and stay indoors :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lazy Olympic Saturday

You know what I did today? A heck of a lot of nothing, that's what! And it was delightful. I guess watching hours and hours of the Olympic Games isn't exactly nothing, but I didn't do anything  productive, that's for sure.

Paul went out to work some overtime in the morning, then appeared for some lunch and went back out for a bit in the afternoon. He turned back up not long after, however, as his friend's deck materials didn't end up getting delivered.

Even though I was overly productive, I did get to enjoy some good quality athletic competition. The most interesting event I watched was the Men's 400 metre IM (Individual Medley) in swimming. Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte made it to the final, but Phelps only did just barely. He had to swim in lane 8 due to it. In the end, he totally bombed, but Lochte pulled out a gold medal win. Good for him! At least they're keeping the medal in their country. (If you don't know the background on this, Phelps got eight gold medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics with one of them being in this swimming event.)

I'm looking forward to watching more events tomorrow, including the Women's Synchro diving competition. Go Canada, go!

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Olympic Games are here!

Wow, did you watch the Olympic Summer Games opening ceremony? It was so amazing! Danny Boyle's goal was to create the first ever live "movie" and I personally believe he achieved greatness.

Honestly, there's just so many things I could mention about the ceremony, so if you haven't seen it, I suggest you search it out online. The first hour is the most important, so it's not super long.

I'm just so excited that the 2012 Olympics are here! My PVR is set (they're 7 hours ahead) and I'm looking forward to just sitting back this weekend and taking it all in.

Here's a news article from the Telegraph:

The opening ceremony marking the start of the Olympics got a rousing reception from an enthusiastic live audience and the performers.
An audience of 60,000 in the Olympic Stadium and a probable billion television viewers around the globe watched a touching finale to a high-octane, musical celebration of British history and culture.
Directed by film director Danny Boyle, the ceremony was a dizzying event designed to highlight the grandeur and eccentricities of the nation that invented modern sport.
Children's voices ushered in an exuberant historical pageant of meadows, smokestacks and digital wizardry before seven teenage athletes were given the honour of lighting the Olympic cauldron that will burn for the duration of the Games.
Among the performers was Amy Webster. "Everyone was cheering. We were singing along so that we could hear the whole thing going on in our ears. We were counting along with everyone, singing, dancing, it was amazing." she said excitedly.
Others said Queen Elizabeth's performance was the highlight of the show.
The monarch appeared in a short, tongue-in-cheek film also starring Daniel Craig in his role as James Bond, who enters Buckingham Palace. Doubles of Bond and the Queen then parachuted from a helicopter above the stadium.
"My favourite bit was when the queen fell out of the helicopter but missed the stadium. That was amazing, amazing. Incredible show," said one British man.
International visitors were equally delighted, some overcome with emotion.
"Lovely, remarkable. I cried a lot. And it was just the way I was expecting," said Roberto Cartainalli from Brazil.
Some Britons were clearly proud of the moment.
"Superb. Really enjoyed it. Top of the world. Well worth it. Once in a lifetime," said one man, as he joined thousands pouring onto a tube train.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My 1 Year KOPS Anniversary

Today marks day 365 of my KOPS journey. I made it to my goal on July 27, 2011 and have never looked back.

The past year may not have been what I expected, but I can't get down on myself for it. Initially, I planned to lose about ten more pounds. It seems my body had other plans. The lowest I've been in the last year is 4.5 pounds below goal; the highest is 1.5 pounds above goal, which occurred the week immediately following my KOPS achievement. No kidding. Guess I celebrated a little too much that weekend!

I know there are things I need to do in order to lose the weight if it's truly something I want. The most important item: cardiovascular activity. I can say that I have upped what I walk, but I've also been more naughty in what I eat. If I can just cut back those food items, and keep with the walking, I'm sure I could lose the weight. I guess the issue really is that I must not want it that bad.

I don't really want to buy more clothes, but even the summer capris I bought last spring before getting to goal are a size too big now. The best thing to do is get through the summer and wait to see what happens by next spring, when the new year's goods are out. If I'm still the same size, I suppose it's just time to buy a few new items. My tops fit fine, but my butt and waist shrank just enough that belts are a necessity. I don't really like belts.

Whether I lose more weight or not, it's still been a great year of staying around my goal weight, not going out of leeway, and being a good example for others. I have to remember the positive stuff!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ardent Anticipation

It may have taken more than six months to achieve, but I finally feel like I am both of value, and am being appreciated for what I do at work. This year has been difficult for me. During one month, I seriously questioned my place on the team and was "keeping my options open" by seeking out other opportunities. I strongly believe in fate, however, so after not finding anything else to go to, I stuck it out and am now in a much happier place.

Legal Day One is still pending, but we're on the brink. I'm not worried about the workload ahead, only about possibly having to alter my plans for time off in August. My head is in a good place and I feel I have what it takes to continue on in the job I'm doing. We've hired a replacement for the third member of our salaried payroll team that left in April: "J", whom I know from college and referred for the job. It's temporary, but for now this works for both us and her. I'm looking forward to teaching her (almost) everything I know!

I have to remember to keep my head up, continue working hard, make myself invaluable, and show the new guys just why I need to permanently remain in my job or be promoted. Many people are afraid of change, but I'm very, very accepting of it as it often opens up doors. Heck, I hope it opens a couple windows too!

All in all, I'm doing much better than a month or two ago and am eagerly anticipating what's yet to come.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Techno Woes

Don't you just love technology? These days everyone owns at least one cell phone or PDA, one computer, and numerous other devices. They don't always work 100%, do they? Very frustrating, I'd say.

I had to initiate a ticket to our help desk today for a problem I'm having with Microsoft Excel. They did some upgrade recently, and now simple functions no longer work. I sure hope they fix it soon. All I know is, it's being looked into. My Blackberry has also been doing some odd things, but I hope it's just the program I'm using at the time, not the actual device. At least it's still under warranty if something serious is wrong.

I was outside playing with Casey and Paul comes out to say we "have no TV". I ended up fixing the issue on my box upstairs, but his is a mystery downstairs. He's currently on hold waiting for a representative to answer our call. Normally if one is out, both are out.

Another issue happened at work this afternoon, right near the end of the day. It means that the payroll that's confirming their stuff had to leave it and go home. Now they'll need to log in from there to see if the issue has been fixed. At least my payroll wasn't affected today! I just hope it's working tomorrow when I get in.

It's funny that we have to hire all these people, all over the world, to fix problems with our technology. Whether it's a server or the software or a piece of hardware, something always seems to be going wrong. However, I try to imagine our lives without these things and it seems incomprehensible. Back in elementary school, it was a treat if we got to use a computer. Now I do everything on one. Interesting how things change.

I guess as long as technology is around, we'll have our issues with it. I just wish we didn't!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Another Day, Another Ahhhhh

The fact that I need to get massages to find relief from my chronic issues totally bites. I don't mind, however, the massage itself. I found someone that provides a good combination of pain and pleasure, so I really enjoy having her treat me.

It took a long time before the pain became "good", but now having my muscles worked on is so wonderful. There's this one method my therapist uses where she's all gentle and then all of a sudden there's this deep pain coming from one tiny area. Oweeee, and then ahhhhhh. Seriously!

I do hope that my body just gives in and allows the treatments to work, but I'll still get a massage once in a while. They feel too good to not! It sure is nice to have benefits that cover them too.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Get Me Some Cat Lady Crazy

I've decided that, although I consider myself a "cat lady", I'm not crazy. Enough of that, time to get some! I simply don't talk enough about my cat, nor do I do fun things with him. His name is also very un-crazy. I'm changing things up.

Buster, aka Pierre le Chat
First item of business: pick a new name for my cat. I decided that because Buster can probably speak French, he's so romantic like people from France, and loves the finer things in life, his new name is Pierre. Pierre le Chat. It's much more refined and suited to his personality.

Second change to make: he simply hasn't been groomed enough by yours truly, and any cat lady probably cleans her cat at least once per day. I promptly gave him a wash down and brushed him thoroughly. He really enjoyed that. He could probably use a fancy collar as well, so I'll look into that. In the past, he hasn't exactly warmed to wearing something around his neck.

Third item on the list: I will speak in French baby-talk to him from now on. "Oh, Pierre mon chat, je t'aime. Tu es le meilleur chat dans le monde." Done.

Lastly: "Pierre" will get what he wants, when he wants. it. Okay, that's pretty much any cat, so I guess as long as I continue to cater to his every desire, I'm good to go! If he doesn't want to wear his new blingy, French collar, so be it.

This lady is now certifiably crazy. Come on, Pierre, let's groom you again.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Note for Ma Mére

M aker
O f
T reats,
H ugs and
E verything
R ememberable

That didn't really work out how I'd planned, but the letters in mother aren't exactly easy to use. Oh well, the point is that I wanted to write this blog in honour of that special lady I call "mom".

With the superpower of Craftiness, she whips up cute cards and letters like a breeze. I sure love getting them in the mail, even when they cause a tearful reaction from the kind words found inside. Her creativity is inspiring, and I'm a little envious of it. I'm glad she has the ability to create beautiful things out of nothing, and that she loves to share them with me.

She may not have been the best cook when I was younger, but she always tried her hardest. It's okay, mom, because of you, I thought I liked everything well-done for many years! I still enjoyed eating 98.5% of what she cooked for us, and appreciate what she did tremendously. Having married a non-chef, I understand the work that goes into preparing a meal every day and some days it's not so easy.

Struggling with leg cramp issues as a child, mom would come to my aid many nights, massaging my poor gams until I could go back to sleep. Without her, I would have lain awake for hours, completely uncomfortable and unable to get relief. Only in my twenty-sixth year did I come to learn about Calcium supplements to "cure" my problem.

There are lots of other reasons why mom is the best, but I hope she knows them. I just want to say, thanks for putting up with me, for teaching me about life, and for supporting me all the way. I miss being able to see you more often too, but at least we can be in touch with the click of a mouse or a brief phone call!

Love, Dana

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sights and Sounds of the City

Inflatable clown, you wave in the wind
While teenagers do some freestyle rapping
They take no mind

Super-chunky, put on a bra!
That dress is gonna fall down
And you're getting odd stares, I'm tellin' ya

Mmmmm tasty and healthy
I should get me some Booster Juice
Like that nice, young hippy

They're loud, they're proud
They're from abroad
Those asian "gangstas"
Sure like their cars looking like hot rods

White and Pink
Pink and White
Mother and daughter "Dress-the-Opposite Day", I think.

Hmmm I wonder where they're going?
Those sure are some full backpacks
Drifters, I suppose, or something.

Hey dude, you're name is Zeke!
Nice of you to put it on your shirt
At least we know you're not... Zuke?

If my pocket was a bit large
I could seriously put you in it
You cute, little foreign lady you!
That doesn't rhyme either, does it?

Do you ever frown?
Does your perma-grin hurt?
Your teeth are kinda brown.

Dude, your hair is pretty long and stuff
And you and your friends need some colour in your wardrobe
Can I join your (presumed) band? Black makes me tough.

Sweet, free bus ride!
'Nough said.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Sheesta meesta, it sure is hot today! Something like "feels like 39 celcius", or whatever. Wow! It's amazing that we're able to keep it around 26 degrees inside the house, plus the joy of a constant breeze.

So, it's hot here, but what else is hot?

  1. the sun
  2. a fried egg
  3. my dog
  4. my flatiron
  5. the inside of the human body
  6. a lit lightbulb
  7. the inside of Paul's shoes...
  8. Habanero peppers
  9. a candle's flame
  10. my husband...
  11. car exhaust
  12. a blow dryer
  13. freshly-baked cookies
  14. Las Vegas
  15. ME!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Insider Information

*in a sing-songy voice* I know something you don't know! Unfortunately, I can't tell you what it is. I'm not "supposed to know", but I do. All I will say is that it is not about me personally but does directly affect me. It may involve my place of work. It does involve someone I know but am not related to. I am happy about it. The expected results are in the next month.

How's that for vague? Guess you'll need to stay tuned for a future blog entry! *heh heh heh*

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

5 Lessons for Number 199

Blog post #199 today! Honestly, I can't believe I've even made it this far. This is the first thing I've ever done with such diligence, for so long! Forget school; there were weekends and summers off! Now I just wish I could come up with interesting topics more often...

That said, I came across a fun thing on Facebook, so I'm posting it today as my blog entry. I especially like number 4. Enjoy!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fighting the Frizz

Happy Monday to you too, Mother Nature. Thanks a lot for MESSING UP MY HAIR WITH ALL YOUR BLOODY HUMIDITY! Seriously! What an awesome start to my day.

All you curly-haired divas out there will totally understand my frustration on humid days. Why bother going to all the effort of straightening out my locks, just to end up with a nasty wave by the time I get to work? Today made me realize, once and for all, that I really need to buy one of those mini flat irons. They're like, $20, so a definite must-have for girls like me when a hair re-do is necessary.

I wish I'd taken a "before" picture. I seriously did NOT look like myself ten minutes ago. But my hand dandy Rusk helped me get my sexy back, yes ma'am. Now I feel MUCH better. No more frizzies, curlies, afros, etc.

The right side of this poor female's hair looks like how I felt mine looked today. Now it's much more like the left, but even straighter and more awesome. Can you tell I feel much better now? It's like I'm a totally different person when my hair's smoothed out.

My sister once said that I "have a straight hair personality". I thought it was quite funny at first, and didn't really see it, but now I do. My hair is a part of me, especially my personality, so when it's not doing as it's told, I'm simply not myself.

Say what you want about curls, but I don't mean curls totally suck, just the frizzies! Dang, I really wish I'd taken a picture for you to see what I mean. Next time I will, I promise! It was Nasty with a capital N!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Citrus

*YAWN* Oh wow, I am super duper tired today! I helped out the worship team today by singing this morning, and only had to take care of laundry this afternoon. I just felt soooo lazy and tired though. I think Paul felt the same way because I caught him napping in between laundry cycles. Hey, that's fine with me, the dog had him up early today.

I'm going to blame it on the weather. It's windy and rainy, yet too warm to close up the windows. It feels very United Kingdom in my home today because of it. I needed a pick-me-up around 4:30 so chose to nosh on a fresh ruby red grapefruit. Yum! Did you know:

1. Grapefruit Helps in Losing Weight
Grapefruit is high in enzymes that burn fats, has high water content and has less sodium. A combination of these three characteristics make grapefruit a perfect food for increasing your body’s metabolism.
2. Prevents Arthritis and Works as an Antiseptic
Grapefruit contains salicylic acid that helps break down the body’s inorganic calcium, which builds up in the cartilage of joints and may lead to arthritis.
3. Grapefruit Helps in Cancer Prevention
Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that is responsible for the red color of grapefruit. It is a powerful agent against tumors and cancers as it acts as a scavenger of cancer-causing free radicals.
4. Grapefruit Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels
The antioxidants found in grapefruit are effective in reducing cholesterol levels.
5. Grapefruit Treats Common Ailments
Eating grapefruit or drinking its juice helps treat common cold and fever, dissolve gallstones, boost liver function and enhance immunity against infections. As grapefruit contains a dietary fiber called pectin, it thus promotes better digestion.

I'm glad I ate one!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

What a Massage Means to Me

M ost
A bhorrent
S uffering
S uggesting
A wesomely
G ratifying
E njoyment

Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Fridays

You know what's annoying? Being nearly-bored one day at work to find that there's lots to do the next day! Fridays in the summertime are supposed to be lazy, hazy days. Ah well, it just means I wasn't bored after all!

I do wish I had time to take off for a week of holidays this summer, but we always prefer to go on vacay during the winter. Next year it will be different, but this one will be spent more at home. I'm looking forward to our 9th Anniversary Camping Trip next month (sans dog), that's for sure.

It's been much quieter at work, even with all the hubbub from the changes silently happening in the background. I haven't had a real change to my work yet, but I expect it any day. I'll just keep trucking along and will have to take what comes at me. After all, variety is the spice of life!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Guilty Pleasure

Did I mention that one of my guilty pleasures starts up again on television tonight? Probably not, because I'm somewhat ashamed to say I really enjoy it! Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a hint... the premise is, a bunch of people live in a house together for the summer.

Did you guess Big Brother? Well, if you did, you'd be right. I just can't help myself. I didn't watch the first season, and maybe not the second either, but sometime in the past I got hooked. Last summer almost turned me off for good, however, when two houseguests that are sooooooo difficult to watch came back. Talk about annoying!

The hard part about Big Brother is that there are three episodes a week to keep up with. Thank God (or whoever) for inventing the DVR!

If you want to watch some good 'ol "trash TV", just tune into CBS or Global tonight at 9:00 CST!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

An Ode to the Rain

The air was thick
The sky grew dark
There became a chill
At the city park

The thunder rolled
And lightning struck
We all knew
Something was amuck 
As time slowly passed
We could see it grow closer
A wall of moisture
Pounding down on the pastures

Then all of a sudden
After one final flash
Down came the rain
Just like a great crash

The air became thick
The smell was so new
It was cooling us off
All out of the blue

That morning had seemed
Like the ones before
Really hot and awful
But that was no more

The streets ran clean
The birds could sing
We finally had
A moment of spring

Summer can be so hot
It's hard to stay cool
But when it rains
It's just like being in the pool!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hot, Hot, Hot!

65 years ago on July 5, 1937, the highest recorded temperature in Regina was recorded. That afternoon, as the heat made its' peak, thermometres across the city reached a staggering 43.3 degrees Celsius. And that's without any humidex! Today didn't reach that, but it was still plenty hot.

We reached 33 degrees today. Lucky us, with no central air! Actually, we've been doing alright as long as we keep all doors and windows closed, blinds down, and air circulating during the day. At night I can at least open a few windows to let some fresh air in.

This is the second house we've lived in in this city that has had few windows available to open. We have a large picture window in the living room but only one side has a small window. The rest is just plates of glass. The master bedroom is much with same with half opening and the other not. The office and bathroom at least have normal windows. The kitchen, if you've been here or have seen in my albums on Facebook, has a window but it looks out to the garage. We have a screen on the sliding door to the deck, but can't leave it open all night long due to the security system.

We can't all be so lucky to have central air. This being the third summer in Regina, I'd have to say we're faring pretty well. The weatherman/woman says that the temperatures will continue to soar through to next week, so all we can do is keep the air moving, drink lots of water, and don't move a lot. Good thing I like being lazy! *laughs*

Monday, July 9, 2012

Casey the Swimmer

Our lil pup pup sure loves swimming. She's jumped into the Wascana Creek on many an occasion when we stop by the dog park, and got to play in a real Manitoba field dugout during July long. With the heat the way it's been, and will continue to be for an unknown period of time, it's due time that we put out the kiddie pool and fill 'er up.

With it only being half full, Casey eagerly jumped in to grab the balls we threw in. This year she also learned to just jump right over the side going in and out, rather than taking the steps we made. Either way works, as long as she gets out properly (rather than pushing down the side and draining out the water).

I'll need to get a good video of her playing in it. It sure is nice for her to be able to cool off right in her own backyard. She's always so hot in our house, so this cool treat will be a blessing this summer. Yay!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our Cheerful Church

We quite like our little church. Well, it's not so little, but it's not as big as our last one in Brandon. It's just right.

The pastor is a genuinely nice person, albeit a bit scattered. His wife is also extremely kind and caring. They're both jokers and enjoy getting out on the road with their hair (or lack of it) in the wind, on the pastor's motorcycle. They are generous and honest and well-liked.

I'm also happy to be part of their worship team and have found a certain few people I really enjoy being in a group with. Sure, there are others that generally rub me the wrong way and can be annoying, but the good outweigh the bad. It took me a while before I came out saying I'd like to be considered if they needed another singer. I'm glad I did though, even when I don't know the songs so well or we're short on instruments to fill out the sound on stage.

Paul hasn't taken on any volunteer roles, but he's really good about coming and participating. He's also made some friends! When there's a men's breakfast he gets in on it, but who can say no to a $2 breakfast?! I also attend the women's breakfasts and enjoy the fellowship.

Fate brought us there too, which is quite nice: we attended only one other church before I sought out Pentecostal churches in the city. Avonhurst happened to be nearby and looked like a nice size, so one Sunday we just tried it out. We're now even closer -- only 3-4 minutes drive -- and we enjoy going there even more.

It all worked out and I see us attending for as long as we live in Regina, however short or long that may be.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Reading is Fun!

Did I mention that I'm currently reading book four of five (so far) of George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series? If you keep up with my blog, you may recall me mentioning how awesome the books are. It's just taking a really long time to read them. Without counting, I think I've probably read at least 3000 pages so far among the four. That's a lot of words!

Did you know that Cuba has a literacy rate of 99.9%? That's incredible! Canada's is 99%. Too bad that means for every one hundred people, one can't read. Sad but true. The U.S.A. also has a 99% literacy rate. I somehow assumed it would be lower, however their population is also a lot higher so that means more people are illiterate overall. According to Wikipedia, Mali has the lowest rate at 26.2%. Knowing what I do about poor African countries, this really is not surprising.

I've always loved to read and only stopped doing it for fun during college and then for about four years after. I just didn't get back into it. That was until The Hunger Games came out, and the series I'm currently reading. Paul isn't much of a reader, but I plan to be for the rest of my life. I better be cause I've got so many books to get cracking on!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Birthdays and Friendship-Building

It was my friend's 29th birthday on the 6th. Now she's an official member of the "29 Forever Club". It's nice having Facebook so that I can send her well-wishes and see what she's up to. I look forward to seeing her again soon as she moves back to Canada in a few months.

It's someone else's 29th birthday this month. Too bad I don't consider them a friend anymore. I'm still quite bitter over the whole thing, even though I keep telling myself to just forget about it. Maybe there's some tiny shard of reconciliation available to grasp. Maybe not.

The situation is so stupid, so petty, so high school. In fact, the fact that we didn't make up is only due to both of us not wanting to accept the other's opinions as fact. We're both right and we're both wrong, but we both don't want to back down. I feel like too many times in my life have I settled because I didn't want to argue about it. This just isn't one of those times.

Sure, there are lots of people out there in the world that I can be friends with, but when you spend a number of years cultivating something just to have it go up in a puff of flame and smoke, it's hard to let it go. It's like building a house on your own and getting it all decorated, just in time to have it burn down. So frustrating and hard to move on from.

So as my high school friends all celebrate their 29 Forever birthdays this year, I'll ponder the relationships I do have and try to remember that in the grand scheme of things, a little girl fight is nothing to get my panties in a bunch for.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cute Fam-Damily

Family. You can't choose them, so you gotta love 'em. Mine ain't half bad, actually! Especially the most elderly.

When we can, we pop in to visit Grampa and Amma. As they age, it's even more important for me to keep in touch and give them the gift of my presence. (That's not being egotistical, I know they truly ARE blessed for having me/us there). We had the chance to see them on the long weekend and snapped a few photos:

See, aren't they cute? And I look like them (in a non old-person way)! Love you guys :) *hugs & kisses*

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

On Task for TOPS

Not for my entire life but for most of the adult part, I've enjoyed taking charge of things. If you give me a task, I'll take it on. If you don't give me a task, I'll look for something to do, and find things that haven't been noticed. I also like taking care of others in the form of teamwork and being proactive.

In TOPS, I've found that I can do all of those things as I find my groove in my new job. I find it very frustrating when there are outstanding issues or items for discussion, or when someone just doesn't want to speak up, so I take charge in that area. I have no problem taking a back seat, don't get me wrong, but I've found that many others would rather be given direction.

I suppose I've found my place in the group, somewhat, and it does feel good. There are still things and people that make me go crazy and test my patience, but I suppose that's just life. As long as I'm needed and appreciated and liked my others, I'm happy.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Merry Melodist

I really enjoy singing. Whether in the car, the shower, along with the television, or just a capella all alone. The only thing I hope, however, is that someone will tell me honestly if I suck at it.

I don't remember ever being told I sing really wonderful or anything. I get really nervous when put on the spot, but feel that I do have a voice and an ear for pitch and tone. In the last few years I've also increased my abilities by learning to sing harmonies. It really is just a matter of tuning your ear to hear the chords above or below the melody.

The Glee Project started up again last month. It made me want to pursue finding a local choir again. In the past, all I've found are groups that meet on Wednesday nights, and I'm already booked then. I did find a particular church that's starting up again in September and they meet on Thursdays. Maybe if I don't find another, I'll check them out.

Ideally, I'd be in a band rather than a choir. Although I get nervous, as soon as there's music put to the words and a group of people playing the sounds out loud, I just get excited and can belt it out. A backup singer would even be okay, I just think it would be a lot of fun.

The next time you hear me sing, please tell me if I'm terrible, okay? At least I'll know once and for all if it's worth the effort!

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Beginning of the End

Today marks the official first day of the second half of the year for my blog. I have exactly 182 blog posts left to write before the next year -- and the next chapter of my life -- begins. Canada Day was not only a national holiday but it also marked the halfway point for this often difficult task I've placed on myself.

I think for the rest of the year I'd like to share more about my hobbies and loves. Maybe I'll try new things, meet new people, and change myself in some ways. A lot can happen in six months, that's for sure, so who knows what I'll be writing about next!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

MIL Day Nine: Dana Grumpy Pants

Okay I'll just say it, I wasn't in the best of moods all day. My reason is simple: I'm used to having "me" time at least for a little while each and every day. Even if it just means washing my hair and reading a book and not thinking about what anyone else is doing. I haven't had that for ten days. For me, that's far too long, so I was grumpy.

I definitely wasn't acting like myself and I apologize for those it affected. The day was literally the most perfect for boating, and we didn't have one to use. It was hot, and I hate the heat when I have to sit in my own sweat. I wasn't eating my usual foods and the bed wasn't my own. Every little thing was grating on my nerves and I couldn't handle it any longer. Feeling extremely stubborn and unhappy isn't my idea of fun.

I'm not blaming any one or any thing for my attitude, it was just a culmination of many things into one that turned my smile into a frown. I hate to say it but, as soon as I was home again, back with my little furry family and Paul, everything was much better. The truth of the matter is, I simply can't handle having a house guest for as long as we did, followed immediately by a weekend away with even more people.

Enough said, I'm sorry for being a poopoo head!

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